Regular price $12.95
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Flier Earplugs

Comfort over the clouds.

You never know who will sit next to you in a flight, it could be a crying baby or a loud talker. Otifleks Flier's micro filter is designed to block noise while still protecting you from pressure changes by reacting to pressure changes.

Upgrade your next flight.

What is special about Flier?

Try Flier's comfort and noise cancellation and you will never go back.

Size Matters

Available in 2 distinct sizes.


Unique material technology.

Snaplock Carry Case

With you always, everywhere.

Pressure Responsive

Pressure equalizing filter


Anatomically aware design

What do people say?

Available at: Life Pharmacy, Soul Pattison Chemist, Amcal, Chemsave, Blooms The Chemist, Pharmacist Advice, Jadin Chemist Group, Pharmacy4Less, Priceline, UFS Dispensaries, Chemplus, Discount Drug Stores, National Pharmacies, Malouf Pharmacies, Pharmasave, Friendly Care , Pharmacy Essentials, Cincotta Chemisy, Therry White Chemmart, Chemmark Primary, Terry White Chemists.